Competence Management System
3E promotes the Competence Management System in order to evaluate and manage the technical and transversal skills of the company’s entire roster. The proposed strategy provides for scientific assessments of skills and a continuous training course for their maintenance and improvement.
Here are the used tools:
Assessment for the TECHNICAL SKILLS on competencies related to the level of responsibility (managerial, operational, support) and the type of ship.The questions of the assessments can be defined in view of statutory requirements (STCW, ISM, SOLAS, MLC, Flags etc ...), the voluntary association rules such as e.g. TMSA, but above all by covering the requirements set by the Company, based on their SMS, procedures, type of ship, new software, requests from charterers or majors. All these information will be included in assessments that in this way are absolutely original and taylor-made
Assessment for the BEHAVIOURAL COMPETENCIES: analysis of behaviors and soft skills relevant to the function performed on board (or on the ground) such as Leadership, Communication, decision making, Time management, goal orientation, Planning and solving problems, factors motivating.
The assessments can be used in the first selection phase, to ascertain that the candidate's skills and abilities are actually suitable for the position he should cover, but also and above all in the career development phase of the seafarer with the aim of constantly monitoring his skills and encourage its improvement through targeted training courses.
The above assessments carried out by the person provide the following results which will be included in a Competence Assessment Report:
Results of the evaluation
Comparison with reference parameters (national average, Rina Academy database average, company average)
Points of weakness
hiring and / or promotion risk
Training needs
Training already performed and to be performed
In addition to these informations, the personnel can also be evaluated through other canals like the evaluation form from the board, office feedback and vetting/PSC inspections feedback. Combining all these elements together, a training strategy can be structured in order to act on the highlighted macro and micro shortcomings. To do this 3E has several tools:
E-learning platforms that offer courses on the most disparate topics and are suitable for more global and standard training;
Ad hoc training that can be tailored or carried out in training centers with the help of simulators. They aim to fill more specific, individual gaps perhaps, but also, being tylor-made, to train the staff in the Company procedures, the majors' requests or any other needs.
Training on board: the top officers can be informed of specific shortcomings of their staff and support them in improving even during the overlapping period and/or during all the embark;
Coaching, referring only to soft skills, based on a "one to one" path with a professional and are aimed at intervening on weaknesses not wanting to judge but offering an external point of view on what is the current behavior and how we can improve it.
3E tools are engineered with a governance model based on systematic analysis techniques, able to provide verifiable results, safeguarding impartiality and preventing conflict of interest situations.